Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Research article
15 Feb 2018
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2018

Multiphase boudinage: a case study of amphibolites in marble in the Naxos migmatite core

Simon Virgo, Christoph von Hagke, and Janos L. Urai

Abstract. In multiply deformed terrains multiphase boudinage is common, but identification and analysis of these is difficult. Here we present an analysis of multiphase boudinage and fold structures in deformed amphibolite layers in marble from the migmatitic centre of the Naxos metamorphic core complex. Overprinting between multiple boudinage generations is shown in exceptional 3-D outcrop. We identify five generations of boudinage, reflecting the transition from high-strain high-temperature ductile deformation to medium- to low-strain brittle boudins formed during cooling and exhumation. All boudin generations indicate E–W horizontal shortening and variable direction of bedding parallel extension, evolving from subvertical extension in the earliest boudins to subhorizontal N–S extension during exhumation. Two phases of E–W shortening can be inferred, the first associated with lower crustal synmigmatic convergent flow and the second associated with exhumation and N–S extension, possibly related to movement of the North Anatolian Fault.

Short summary
The marbles of the migmatitic dome on the island Naxos contain deformed layers of amphibolite with multiple phases of boudinage. The boudins formed by E–W shortening normal to the layers and layer parallel extension in various directions. We identified five different generations of boudins that show that E–W shortening is the prevalent deformation in these rocks during the peak metamorphosis and the following cooling, different from other parts of the island dominated by top-to-north shearing.