Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
29 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 29 Jul 2019

A revised map of volcanic units in the Oman ophiolite: insights into the architecture of an oceanic proto-arc volcanic sequence

Thomas M. Belgrano, Larryn W. Diamond, Yves Vogt, Andrea R. Biedermann, Samuel A. Gilgen, and Khalid Al-Tobi


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Short summary
We present an updated geological map of the volcanic rocks present in the north-east Oman mountains. These volcanic rocks erupted at the seafloor, probably above a young subduction zone, and have since been tectonically transported into their accessible position. The updated map allows us to examine the spatial relationships between the different volcanic and geological features, including copper, gold, and chrome deposits. The new map will aid further study in Oman and other similar settings.