Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
09 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 09 Jul 2020

Chronostratigraphic framework and provenance of the Ossa-Morena Zone Carboniferous basins (southwest Iberia)

Manuel Francisco Pereira, Cristina Gama, Ícaro Dias da Silva, José Brandão Silva, Mandy Hofmann, Ulf Linnemann, and Andreas Gärtner


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Short summary
A chronostratigraphic study was conducted on Carboniferous rocks of SW Iberia. Terrigenous strata with a maximum depositional age of ca. 303 Ma unconformably overlie marine deposits and volcanic rocks dated at ca. 335–331 Ma. Lying below this unconformity, the marine deposits are intruded and overlain by a ca. 317 Ma porphyry. Detrital zircon populations from marine deposits indicate derivation from Laurussian terranes, while the terrestrial rocks are related to Laurussia and Gondwana sources.