Articles | Volume 12, issue 10
Research article
11 Oct 2021
Research article |  | 11 Oct 2021

Evidence for and significance of the Late Cretaceous Asteroussia event in the Gondwanan Ios basement terranes

Sonia Yeung, Marnie Forster, Emmanuel Skourtsos, and Gordon Lister


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Short summary
We do not know when the ancient Tethys Ocean lithosphere began to founder, but one clue can be found in subduction accreted tectonic slices, including Gondwanan basement terranes on the island of Ios, Cyclades, Greece. We propose a 250–300 km southwards jump of the subduction megathrust with a period of flat-slab subduction followed by slab break-off. The initiation and its subsequent rollback of a new subduction zone would explain the onset of Oligo–Miocene extension and accompanying magmatism.