Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
09 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 09 Feb 2021

Seismic monitoring of the Auckland Volcanic Field during New Zealand's COVID-19 lockdown

Kasper van Wijk, Calum J. Chamberlain, Thomas Lecocq, and Koen Van Noten

Model code and software

EQcorrscan procedures for AVSN data over the 2020 lockdown period Calum Chamberlain and Kasper van Wijk

Short summary
The Auckland Volcanic Field is monitored by a seismic network. The lockdown measures to combat COVID-19 in New Zealand provided an opportunity to evaluate the performance of seismic stations in the network and to search for small(er) local earthquakes, potentially hidden in the noise during "normal" times. Cross-correlation of template events resulted in detection of 30 new events not detected by GeoNet, but there is no evidence of an increase in detections during the quiet period of lockdown.