Articles | Volume 13, issue 8
Research article
01 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 01 Aug 2022

Tectonic evolution of the Indio Hills segment of the San Andreas fault in southern California, southwestern USA

Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Steffen G. Bergh, and Arthur G. Sylvester

Data sets

Replication data for "Tectonic evolution of the Indio Hills segment of the San Andreas fault in southern California" Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl

Short summary
The San Andreas fault is a major active fault associated with ongoing earthquake sequences in southern California. The present study investigates the development of the Indio Hills area in the Coachella Valley along the main San Andreas fault and the Indio Hills fault. The Indio Hills area is located near an area with high ongoing earthquake activity (Brawley seismic zone), and, therefore, its recent tectonic evolution has implications for earthquake prediction.