Articles | Volume 6, issue 3
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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Socioeconomic modifications of the universal soil loss equation
A. Erol
SDÜ Faculty of Forestry, Department of Watershed Management, Isparta, Turkey
Ö. Koşkan
SDÜ Agricultural Faculty, Department of Biometric Genetics, Isparta, Turkey
M. A. Başaran
Western Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute, Antalya, Turkey
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23 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Testing Sediment Connectivity at the Experimental SPA2 Basin, Sicily (Italy) C. Di Stefano & V. Ferro 10.1002/ldr.2722
- Land use/land cover change and its implication on soil erosion in an ecologically sensitive Himachal Himalayan watershed, Northern India M. Prashanth et al. 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1124677
- Spatial estimation of soil erosion using RUSLE modeling: a case study of Dolakha district, Nepal P. Thapa 10.1186/s40068-020-00177-2
- Spatial Soil Erosion Modeling for Improved Land Management in Gumara Watershed, Ethiopia G. Tiruneh et al. 10.1155/aess/8547245
- Applying the USLE Family of Models at the Sparacia (South Italy) Experimental Site C. Di Stefano et al. 10.1002/ldr.2651
- Modelling a century of soil redistribution processes and carbon delivery from small watersheds using a multi-class sediment transport model F. Wilken et al. 10.5194/esurf-5-113-2017
- Physical, Chemical, and Engineering Properties of Landfill Stabilized Waste C. Zhang et al. 10.1002/ldr.2594
- Soil Loss and Sediment Yield Prediction in Lake Hawassa Sub-Basin, Central Rift Valley Basin, Ethiopia A. Gebre et al. 10.1177/11786221241261823
- Automatic data matching for geospatial models: a new paradigm for geospatial data and models sharing Y. Zhu & J. Yang 10.1080/19475683.2019.1670735
- GIS based annual soil loss estimation with revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) in the upper Meki sub-catchment, rift valley sub-basin, Ethiopia D. Teku et al. 10.1080/23311932.2024.2311802
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of the Modified Wind Erosion Equation for Application in Canada Q. Huang et al. 10.1002/ldr.2760
- Land Use and Land Cover Changes (LULCC), a Key to Understand Soil Erosion Intensities in the Maritsa Basin E. Ozsahin et al. 10.3390/w10030335
- Estimation of the Costs of Desertification in China: A Critical Review L. Cheng et al. 10.1002/ldr.2562
- Modelling sediment delivery using connectivity components at the experimental SPA2 basin, Sicily (Italy) C. Di Stefano & V. Ferro 10.1007/s11629-018-4956-8
- Soil Loss Estimation for Conservation Planning in the Welmel Watershed of the Genale Dawa Basin, Ethiopia Y. Tessema et al. 10.3390/agronomy10060777
- Nexus of land use land cover dynamics and extent of soil loss in the Panjkora River Basin of eastern Hindu Kush H. Rahman & M. Shakir 10.2166/wcc.2023.353
- Testing the Modified Sediment Delivery Model (MOSEDD) at SPA2 Experimental Basin, Sicily (Italy) C. Di Stefano & V. Ferro 10.1002/ldr.2684
- Testing the USLE-M Family of Models at the Sparacia Experimental Site in South Italy C. Di Stefano et al. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001535
- Statistical check of USLE‐M and USLE‐MM to predict bare plot soil loss in two Italian environments V. Bagarello et al. 10.1002/ldr.3072
- Land degradation and its impact on agricultural productivity: The case of India S. Gorain et al. 10.1002/ldr.4909
- Spatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Risk Using RUSLE and GIS in Dhumuga Watershed, Ambo, Ethiopia D. Soboka & M. Mohammed 10.11648/j.ajese.20240804.12
- A Quantitative Method for Long-Term Water Erosion Impacts on Productivity with a Lack of Field Experiments: A Case Study in Huaihe Watershed, China D. Lin et al. 10.3390/su8070675
- Global-scale application of the RUSLE model: a comprehensive review M. Kumar et al. 10.1080/02626667.2021.2020277
22 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Testing Sediment Connectivity at the Experimental SPA2 Basin, Sicily (Italy) C. Di Stefano & V. Ferro 10.1002/ldr.2722
- Land use/land cover change and its implication on soil erosion in an ecologically sensitive Himachal Himalayan watershed, Northern India M. Prashanth et al. 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1124677
- Spatial estimation of soil erosion using RUSLE modeling: a case study of Dolakha district, Nepal P. Thapa 10.1186/s40068-020-00177-2
- Spatial Soil Erosion Modeling for Improved Land Management in Gumara Watershed, Ethiopia G. Tiruneh et al. 10.1155/aess/8547245
- Applying the USLE Family of Models at the Sparacia (South Italy) Experimental Site C. Di Stefano et al. 10.1002/ldr.2651
- Modelling a century of soil redistribution processes and carbon delivery from small watersheds using a multi-class sediment transport model F. Wilken et al. 10.5194/esurf-5-113-2017
- Physical, Chemical, and Engineering Properties of Landfill Stabilized Waste C. Zhang et al. 10.1002/ldr.2594
- Soil Loss and Sediment Yield Prediction in Lake Hawassa Sub-Basin, Central Rift Valley Basin, Ethiopia A. Gebre et al. 10.1177/11786221241261823
- Automatic data matching for geospatial models: a new paradigm for geospatial data and models sharing Y. Zhu & J. Yang 10.1080/19475683.2019.1670735
- GIS based annual soil loss estimation with revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) in the upper Meki sub-catchment, rift valley sub-basin, Ethiopia D. Teku et al. 10.1080/23311932.2024.2311802
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of the Modified Wind Erosion Equation for Application in Canada Q. Huang et al. 10.1002/ldr.2760
- Land Use and Land Cover Changes (LULCC), a Key to Understand Soil Erosion Intensities in the Maritsa Basin E. Ozsahin et al. 10.3390/w10030335
- Estimation of the Costs of Desertification in China: A Critical Review L. Cheng et al. 10.1002/ldr.2562
- Modelling sediment delivery using connectivity components at the experimental SPA2 basin, Sicily (Italy) C. Di Stefano & V. Ferro 10.1007/s11629-018-4956-8
- Soil Loss Estimation for Conservation Planning in the Welmel Watershed of the Genale Dawa Basin, Ethiopia Y. Tessema et al. 10.3390/agronomy10060777
- Nexus of land use land cover dynamics and extent of soil loss in the Panjkora River Basin of eastern Hindu Kush H. Rahman & M. Shakir 10.2166/wcc.2023.353
- Testing the Modified Sediment Delivery Model (MOSEDD) at SPA2 Experimental Basin, Sicily (Italy) C. Di Stefano & V. Ferro 10.1002/ldr.2684
- Testing the USLE-M Family of Models at the Sparacia Experimental Site in South Italy C. Di Stefano et al. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001535
- Statistical check of USLE‐M and USLE‐MM to predict bare plot soil loss in two Italian environments V. Bagarello et al. 10.1002/ldr.3072
- Land degradation and its impact on agricultural productivity: The case of India S. Gorain et al. 10.1002/ldr.4909
- Spatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Risk Using RUSLE and GIS in Dhumuga Watershed, Ambo, Ethiopia D. Soboka & M. Mohammed 10.11648/j.ajese.20240804.12
- A Quantitative Method for Long-Term Water Erosion Impacts on Productivity with a Lack of Field Experiments: A Case Study in Huaihe Watershed, China D. Lin et al. 10.3390/su8070675
1 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Latest update: 04 Mar 2025
Short summary
In addition to physical factors, socioeconomic factors have crucial effects on soil erosion, although the joint study of physical and socioeconomic factors has been limited to date. To address this, the present study aimed to determine the effect of socioeconomic factors on soil loss and, in turn, to modify the universal soil loss equation (USLE).
In addition to physical factors, socioeconomic factors have crucial effects on soil erosion,...