Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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Changes in soil quality after converting Pinus to Eucalyptus plantations in southern China
K. Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
H. Zheng
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
F. L. Chen
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
Z. Y. Ouyang
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
Y. Wang
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
Y. F. Wu
Guangxi Dongmen Forest Farm, Fusui 532108, Guangxi, China
J. Lan
Guangxi Dongmen Forest Farm, Fusui 532108, Guangxi, China
M. Fu
Guangxi Dongmen Forest Farm, Fusui 532108, Guangxi, China
X. W. Xiang
Guangxi Dongmen Forest Farm, Fusui 532108, Guangxi, China
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61 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Effects of diversity of tree species on nutrient cycling and soil-related processes K. Haghverdi & Y. Kooch 10.1016/j.catena.2019.03.041
- Soil carbon and nitrogen fractions in response to land use/cover changes K. Haghverdi & Y. Kooch 10.1016/j.actao.2020.103659
- Labile soil organic matter changes related to forest floor quality of tree species mixtures in Oriental beech forests Y. Kooch & M. Bayranvand 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105598
- Farmland Conversion Decreases Regional and National Land Quality in China W. Song & M. Liu 10.1002/ldr.2518
- Seed Mass, Shape and Dormancy in Arid Temperate Degraded Grassland in Northeastern Inner Mongolia, China Z. Wang et al. 10.1002/ldr.2577
- Changes in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Soil Biological Parameters in a Revegetated Coal Mine Spoil S. Mukhopadhyay et al. 10.1002/ldr.2593
- Plant diversity in the understory of Eucalyptus plantations on Hainan Island and its response to environmental factors H. Chen et al. 10.3389/fevo.2024.1366094
- Soil Water Repellency Severity and its Spatio‐Temporal Variation in Burnt Eucalypt Plantations in North‐Central Portugal M. Malvar et al. 10.1002/ldr.2450
- The impact of standard preparation practice on the runoff and soil erosion rates under laboratory conditions A. Khaledi Darvishan et al. 10.5194/se-7-1293-2016
- Assessment of environmental soil quality around Sonepur Bazari mine of Raniganj coalfield, India R. Masto et al. 10.5194/se-6-811-2015
- Changes in soil carbon and nutrients and related extracellular enzymes in successive rotations of Japanese larch plantations H. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105386
- Efficiency of leaf litter mulch in the restoration of soil physiochemical properties and enzyme activities in temporary skid roads in mixed high forests M. Jourgholami et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2020.105012
- Litter and soil properties under woody and non-woody vegetation types: Implication for ecosystem management in a mountainous semi-arid landscape Z. Mohmedi Kartalaei et al. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119238
- Leaf Traits Explain the Growth Variation and Nitrogen Response of Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus grandis and Dalbergia odorifera in Mixed Culture H. Zhang et al. 10.3390/plants13070988
- Intensive management and declines in soil nutrients lead to serious exotic plant invasion inEucalyptusplantations under successive short‐rotation regimes X. Zhou et al. 10.1002/ldr.3449
- Distinct changes in soil organic matter quality, quantity and biochemical composition in response to land-use change to diverse cropping systems and agroforestry in north-western India S. Sharma et al. 10.1007/s10457-024-00976-x
- Land Cover Transition in Northern Tanzania I. Ouedraogo et al. 10.1002/ldr.2461
- Beyond the surface: microbiological and biochemical attributes as indicators of soil quality in Atlantic Forest ecosystem N. Freitas et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108384
- Oxygen footprint: An indicator of the anthropogenic ecosystem changes D. Han et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105501
- Eucalyptus geometry in agroforestry on waterlogged saline soils influences plant and soil traits in North-West India J. Dagar et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2016.08.025
- Human Driving Forces of Oasis Expansion in Northwestern China During the Last Decade—A Case Study of the Heihe River Basin D. Zhou et al. 10.1002/ldr.2563
- Do Mixed Pinus yunnanensis Plantations Improve Soil’s Physicochemical Properties and Enzyme Activities? C. Liang et al. 10.3390/d14030214
- Changes in soil properties under Eucalyptus relative to Pinus massoniana and natural broadleaved forests in South China S. Chu et al. 10.1007/s11676-017-0546-9
- Effects of pumice mining on soil quality A. Cruz-Ruíz et al. 10.5194/se-7-1-2016
- Soil Microbial Communities Responses to Multiple Generations’ Successive Planting of Eucalyptus Trees C. Jiang et al. 10.3390/f15071166
- Productivity, Economic, and Environmental Benefits in Intercropping of Maize with Chili and Grass C. Ouyang et al. 10.2134/agronj2016.10.0579
- Soil Enzymatic Activity in Eucalyptus Grandis Plantations of Different Ages I. Lino et al. 10.1002/ldr.2454
- Soil Hydrology Characteristics among Forest Type, Stand Age and Successive Rotation in Eucalyptus Plantations in Southern China Y. Tan et al. 10.3390/f15030423
- Spatial and Temporal Trends of Recent Dissolved Phosphorus Concentrations in Lake Tana and its Four Main Tributaries M. Alemu et al. 10.1002/ldr.2705
- Nutrient cycling and soil-related processes under different land covers of semi-arid rangeland ecosystems in northern Iran Y. Kooch & N. Noghre 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104621
- A fuzzy intelligent system for land consolidation – a case study in Shunde, China J. Wang et al. 10.5194/se-6-997-2015
- Dynamics of Agrarian Systems and Land Use Change in North Vietnam H. Hanh et al. 10.1002/ldr.2609
- Impacts of Land Use Types and Soil Depth on Soil Fertility Status in Dende Kebele, West Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia D. Bayle & A. Źróbek-Sokolnik 10.1155/ijfr/8982548
- Aggregate‐associated soil organic carbon fractions in subtropical soil undergoing vegetative restoration X. Liu et al. 10.1002/ldr.4777
- Microbial hotspot areas of C and N cycles in old-growth Hyrcanian forests top soils Y. Kooch et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.05.022
- Some soil physical and chemical properties of natural stands and plantations at different ages of stone pine in Biga (Çanakkale-Turkey) H. Tecimen et al. 10.31195/ejejfs.484866
- Soil quality assessment based on carbon stratification index in different olive grove management practices in Mediterranean areas M. Fernández-Romero et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2015.10.019
- Effects of Long-Term Successive Rotations, Clear-Cutting and Stand Age of Prince Rupprecht’s larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr) on Soil Quality K. Zhao et al. 10.3390/f10100932
- Rubber, rubber and rubber: How 75 years of successive rubber plantation rotations affect topsoil quality? P. Panklang et al. 10.1002/ldr.4171
- Effects of vegetation restoration on soil quality in degraded karst landscapes of southwest China Y. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.372
- The difference of soil properties between pure and mixed Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations depends on tree species L. Zhou et al. 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01009
- Soil Water Content and Root Patterns in a Rain‐fed Jujube Plantation across Stand Ages on the Loess Plateau of China L. Li et al. 10.1002/ldr.2540
- The mediatory roles of species diversity and tree height diversity: Linking the impact of land‐use intensity to soil erosion Z. Wen et al. 10.1002/ldr.3646
- Effects of Land-Use Types on Topsoil Physicochemical Properties in a Tropical Coastal Ecologically Fragile Zone of South China Y. Ou et al. 10.3390/su15065484
- The effect of forest floor on soil microbial and enzyme indices after forest harvesting operations in Hyrcanian deciduous forests H. Sohrabi et al. 10.1007/s10342-022-01486-0
- Evaluation of the use of eucalyptus to control algae bloom and improve water quality W. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.276
- Recultivation of Agricultural Land Impaired by Construction of a Hydropower Plant on the Sava River, Slovenia V. Zupanc et al. 10.1002/ldr.2463
- Increasing tree diversity enhances microbial and enzyme activities in temperate Iranian forests Y. Kooch et al. 10.1007/s00468-018-1674-3
- Variation of soil bacterial communities along a chronosequence of Eucalyptus plantation J. Li et al. 10.7717/peerj.5648
- Changes of soil carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes in relation to land use/cover management Y. Kooch et al. 10.1007/s10661-016-5342-z
- Effects of vegetation restoration on soil quality in fragile karst ecosystems of southwest China H. Guan & J. Fan 10.7717/peerj.9456
- Relative Importance of Mineralogy and Organic Matter Characteristics on Macroaggregate and Colloid Dynamics in MG‐Silicate Dominated Soils G. Falsone et al. 10.1002/ldr.2516
- Influence of humic acid applications on modulus of rupture, aggregate stability, electrical conductivity, carbon and nitrogen content of a crusting problem soil İ. Gümüş & C. Şeker 10.5194/se-6-1231-2015
- Land Cover Change and Woodland Degradation in a Charcoal Producing Semi‐Arid Area in Kenya H. Kiruki et al. 10.1002/ldr.2545
- Supergene geochemistry of arsenic and activation mechanism of eucalyptus to arsenic source J. Kuang et al. 10.1007/s10653-021-01155-y
- Eucalyptus pellita substantially outperforms Acacia mangium in tropical savannah ecosystem of Australia, but strategies are needed to maintain soil nutrients F. Hutapea et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121930
- Mixture enhances microbial network complexity of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in Eucalyptus plantations F. Qin et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121632
- Non-Additive Effects of Mixing Eucalyptus and Castanopsis hystrix Trees on Carbon Stocks under an Eco-Silviculture Regime in Southern China L. Wang et al. 10.3390/f13050733
- Seed Germination Response and Tolerance to Different Abiotic Stresses of Four Salsola Species Growing in an Arid Environment P. Chen et al. 10.3389/fpls.2022.892667
- Changes in soil fungal communities and vegetation following afforestation with Pinus tabulaeformis on the Loess Plateau P. Dang et al. 10.1002/ecs2.2401
- Soil CO2–C Emissions and Correlations with Soil Properties in Degraded and Managed Pastures in Southern Brazil E. Figueiredo et al. 10.1002/ldr.2524
61 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Effects of diversity of tree species on nutrient cycling and soil-related processes K. Haghverdi & Y. Kooch 10.1016/j.catena.2019.03.041
- Soil carbon and nitrogen fractions in response to land use/cover changes K. Haghverdi & Y. Kooch 10.1016/j.actao.2020.103659
- Labile soil organic matter changes related to forest floor quality of tree species mixtures in Oriental beech forests Y. Kooch & M. Bayranvand 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105598
- Farmland Conversion Decreases Regional and National Land Quality in China W. Song & M. Liu 10.1002/ldr.2518
- Seed Mass, Shape and Dormancy in Arid Temperate Degraded Grassland in Northeastern Inner Mongolia, China Z. Wang et al. 10.1002/ldr.2577
- Changes in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Soil Biological Parameters in a Revegetated Coal Mine Spoil S. Mukhopadhyay et al. 10.1002/ldr.2593
- Plant diversity in the understory of Eucalyptus plantations on Hainan Island and its response to environmental factors H. Chen et al. 10.3389/fevo.2024.1366094
- Soil Water Repellency Severity and its Spatio‐Temporal Variation in Burnt Eucalypt Plantations in North‐Central Portugal M. Malvar et al. 10.1002/ldr.2450
- The impact of standard preparation practice on the runoff and soil erosion rates under laboratory conditions A. Khaledi Darvishan et al. 10.5194/se-7-1293-2016
- Assessment of environmental soil quality around Sonepur Bazari mine of Raniganj coalfield, India R. Masto et al. 10.5194/se-6-811-2015
- Changes in soil carbon and nutrients and related extracellular enzymes in successive rotations of Japanese larch plantations H. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105386
- Efficiency of leaf litter mulch in the restoration of soil physiochemical properties and enzyme activities in temporary skid roads in mixed high forests M. Jourgholami et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2020.105012
- Litter and soil properties under woody and non-woody vegetation types: Implication for ecosystem management in a mountainous semi-arid landscape Z. Mohmedi Kartalaei et al. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119238
- Leaf Traits Explain the Growth Variation and Nitrogen Response of Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus grandis and Dalbergia odorifera in Mixed Culture H. Zhang et al. 10.3390/plants13070988
- Intensive management and declines in soil nutrients lead to serious exotic plant invasion inEucalyptusplantations under successive short‐rotation regimes X. Zhou et al. 10.1002/ldr.3449
- Distinct changes in soil organic matter quality, quantity and biochemical composition in response to land-use change to diverse cropping systems and agroforestry in north-western India S. Sharma et al. 10.1007/s10457-024-00976-x
- Land Cover Transition in Northern Tanzania I. Ouedraogo et al. 10.1002/ldr.2461
- Beyond the surface: microbiological and biochemical attributes as indicators of soil quality in Atlantic Forest ecosystem N. Freitas et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108384
- Oxygen footprint: An indicator of the anthropogenic ecosystem changes D. Han et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105501
- Eucalyptus geometry in agroforestry on waterlogged saline soils influences plant and soil traits in North-West India J. Dagar et al. 10.1016/j.agee.2016.08.025
- Human Driving Forces of Oasis Expansion in Northwestern China During the Last Decade—A Case Study of the Heihe River Basin D. Zhou et al. 10.1002/ldr.2563
- Do Mixed Pinus yunnanensis Plantations Improve Soil’s Physicochemical Properties and Enzyme Activities? C. Liang et al. 10.3390/d14030214
- Changes in soil properties under Eucalyptus relative to Pinus massoniana and natural broadleaved forests in South China S. Chu et al. 10.1007/s11676-017-0546-9
- Effects of pumice mining on soil quality A. Cruz-Ruíz et al. 10.5194/se-7-1-2016
- Soil Microbial Communities Responses to Multiple Generations’ Successive Planting of Eucalyptus Trees C. Jiang et al. 10.3390/f15071166
- Productivity, Economic, and Environmental Benefits in Intercropping of Maize with Chili and Grass C. Ouyang et al. 10.2134/agronj2016.10.0579
- Soil Enzymatic Activity in Eucalyptus Grandis Plantations of Different Ages I. Lino et al. 10.1002/ldr.2454
- Soil Hydrology Characteristics among Forest Type, Stand Age and Successive Rotation in Eucalyptus Plantations in Southern China Y. Tan et al. 10.3390/f15030423
- Spatial and Temporal Trends of Recent Dissolved Phosphorus Concentrations in Lake Tana and its Four Main Tributaries M. Alemu et al. 10.1002/ldr.2705
- Nutrient cycling and soil-related processes under different land covers of semi-arid rangeland ecosystems in northern Iran Y. Kooch & N. Noghre 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104621
- A fuzzy intelligent system for land consolidation – a case study in Shunde, China J. Wang et al. 10.5194/se-6-997-2015
- Dynamics of Agrarian Systems and Land Use Change in North Vietnam H. Hanh et al. 10.1002/ldr.2609
- Impacts of Land Use Types and Soil Depth on Soil Fertility Status in Dende Kebele, West Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia D. Bayle & A. Źróbek-Sokolnik 10.1155/ijfr/8982548
- Aggregate‐associated soil organic carbon fractions in subtropical soil undergoing vegetative restoration X. Liu et al. 10.1002/ldr.4777
- Microbial hotspot areas of C and N cycles in old-growth Hyrcanian forests top soils Y. Kooch et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.05.022
- Some soil physical and chemical properties of natural stands and plantations at different ages of stone pine in Biga (Çanakkale-Turkey) H. Tecimen et al. 10.31195/ejejfs.484866
- Soil quality assessment based on carbon stratification index in different olive grove management practices in Mediterranean areas M. Fernández-Romero et al. 10.1016/j.catena.2015.10.019
- Effects of Long-Term Successive Rotations, Clear-Cutting and Stand Age of Prince Rupprecht’s larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr) on Soil Quality K. Zhao et al. 10.3390/f10100932
- Rubber, rubber and rubber: How 75 years of successive rubber plantation rotations affect topsoil quality? P. Panklang et al. 10.1002/ldr.4171
- Effects of vegetation restoration on soil quality in degraded karst landscapes of southwest China Y. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.372
- The difference of soil properties between pure and mixed Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations depends on tree species L. Zhou et al. 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01009
- Soil Water Content and Root Patterns in a Rain‐fed Jujube Plantation across Stand Ages on the Loess Plateau of China L. Li et al. 10.1002/ldr.2540
- The mediatory roles of species diversity and tree height diversity: Linking the impact of land‐use intensity to soil erosion Z. Wen et al. 10.1002/ldr.3646
- Effects of Land-Use Types on Topsoil Physicochemical Properties in a Tropical Coastal Ecologically Fragile Zone of South China Y. Ou et al. 10.3390/su15065484
- The effect of forest floor on soil microbial and enzyme indices after forest harvesting operations in Hyrcanian deciduous forests H. Sohrabi et al. 10.1007/s10342-022-01486-0
- Evaluation of the use of eucalyptus to control algae bloom and improve water quality W. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.276
- Recultivation of Agricultural Land Impaired by Construction of a Hydropower Plant on the Sava River, Slovenia V. Zupanc et al. 10.1002/ldr.2463
- Increasing tree diversity enhances microbial and enzyme activities in temperate Iranian forests Y. Kooch et al. 10.1007/s00468-018-1674-3
- Variation of soil bacterial communities along a chronosequence of Eucalyptus plantation J. Li et al. 10.7717/peerj.5648
- Changes of soil carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes in relation to land use/cover management Y. Kooch et al. 10.1007/s10661-016-5342-z
- Effects of vegetation restoration on soil quality in fragile karst ecosystems of southwest China H. Guan & J. Fan 10.7717/peerj.9456
- Relative Importance of Mineralogy and Organic Matter Characteristics on Macroaggregate and Colloid Dynamics in MG‐Silicate Dominated Soils G. Falsone et al. 10.1002/ldr.2516
- Influence of humic acid applications on modulus of rupture, aggregate stability, electrical conductivity, carbon and nitrogen content of a crusting problem soil İ. Gümüş & C. Şeker 10.5194/se-6-1231-2015
- Land Cover Change and Woodland Degradation in a Charcoal Producing Semi‐Arid Area in Kenya H. Kiruki et al. 10.1002/ldr.2545
- Supergene geochemistry of arsenic and activation mechanism of eucalyptus to arsenic source J. Kuang et al. 10.1007/s10653-021-01155-y
- Eucalyptus pellita substantially outperforms Acacia mangium in tropical savannah ecosystem of Australia, but strategies are needed to maintain soil nutrients F. Hutapea et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121930
- Mixture enhances microbial network complexity of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in Eucalyptus plantations F. Qin et al. 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121632
- Non-Additive Effects of Mixing Eucalyptus and Castanopsis hystrix Trees on Carbon Stocks under an Eco-Silviculture Regime in Southern China L. Wang et al. 10.3390/f13050733
- Seed Germination Response and Tolerance to Different Abiotic Stresses of Four Salsola Species Growing in an Arid Environment P. Chen et al. 10.3389/fpls.2022.892667
- Changes in soil fungal communities and vegetation following afforestation with Pinus tabulaeformis on the Loess Plateau P. Dang et al. 10.1002/ecs2.2401
- Soil CO2–C Emissions and Correlations with Soil Properties in Degraded and Managed Pastures in Southern Brazil E. Figueiredo et al. 10.1002/ldr.2524
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