Articles | Volume 6, issue 2
Research article
10 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 10 Jun 2015

Subduction or delamination beneath the Apennines? Evidence from regional tomography

I. Koulakov, A. Jakovlev, I. Zabelina, F. Roure, S. Cloetingh, S. El Khrepy, and N. Al-Arifi


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Short summary
A new regional seismic tomography model of the upper mantle beneath Italy is presented. Here we identify a high-velocity anomaly, identifiable as a long, narrow sausage-shaped body with a steeply dipping part down to a depth of 400km and then expanding horizontally over ~400km. We propose that it could be made up of infra continental lithospheric mantle of Adria, which is progressively delaminated, whereas its overlying crust becomes progressively accreted into the Apenninic tectonic wedge.