Articles | Volume 7, issue 5
Review article
06 Sep 2016
Review article |  | 06 Sep 2016

Recent developments in neutron imaging with applications for porous media research

Anders P. Kaestner, Pavel Trtik, Mohsen Zarebanadkouki, Daniil Kazantsev, Michal Snehota, Katherine J. Dobson, and Eberhard H. Lehmann

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).
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Cited articles

Anderson, I., McGreavy, R., and Bilheux, H. (Eds.): Neutron Imaging and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2009.
Boillat, P., Kramer, D., Seyfang, B., Frei, G., Lehmann, E., Scherer, G., Wokaun, A., Ichikawa, Y., Tasaki, Y., and Shinohara, K.: In situ observation of the water distribution across a PEFC using high resolution neutron radiography, Electrochem. Commun., 10, 546–550, 2008.
Buzug, T.: Introduction to Computed Tomography: From photon statistics to modern cone-beam CT, Springer, 2008.
Cnudde, V. and Boone, M.: High-resolution X-ray computed tomography in geosciences: A review of the current technology and applications, Earth-Sci. Rev., 123, 1–17, 2013.
Short summary
Experiments to determine the location and displacement of fluids in porous media are of high interest to verify flow and transport models. Neutron imaging presents, due to the high sensitivity to hydrogen, an ideal method to provide 3-D information about fluid distribution on the scale of a few tens of microns in a dense matrix of a sample container. We report instrumentation and method developments that increase spatial or temporal resolution, and demonstrate the performance in case studies.