Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Research article
15 Jan 2016
Research article |  | 15 Jan 2016

Qualitative and quantitative changes in detrital reservoir rocks caused by CO2–brine–rock interactions during first injection phases (Utrillas sandstones, northern Spain)

E. Berrezueta, B. Ordóñez-Casado, and L. Quintana


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Short summary
The aim of this article is to describe and interpret qualitative and quantitative changes at the rock matrix scale of Cretaceous sandstones (northern Spain) exposed to supercritical CO2 and brine. Experimental CO2-rich brine injection was performed in a reactor chamber under realistic conditions of deep saline formations (P ≈ 7.8 MPa, T ≈ 38 °C and 24 h exposure time). SEM and optical microscopy, aided by optical image processing and chemical analyses were used to study the rock samples.