Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Research article
11 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 11 Apr 2016

Geophysical evidence of pre-sag rifting and post-rifting fault reactivation in the Parnaíba basin, Brazil

David Lopes de Castro, Francisco Hilário Bezerra, Reinhardt Adolfo Fuck, and Roberta Mary Vidotti


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Short summary
We combine new seismic data and well logs with airborne gravity and magnetic data to reveal the internal architecture of the Parnaíba basin. This Phanerozoic sedimentary basin overlies a large region of Precambrian crustal blocks in the South American platform before the break-up of the West Gondwana in Early Cretaceous. The tectonic evolution of this important cratonic basin involved a complex rifting phase followed by a long period of sag subsidence, with multiple fault reactivation.