Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
Research article
12 Apr 2017
Research article |  | 12 Apr 2017

Soil Atterberg limits of different weathering profiles of the collapsing gullies in the hilly granitic region of southern China

Yusong Deng, Chongfa Cai, Dong Xia, Shuwen Ding, Jiazhou Chen, and Tianwei Wang


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Short summary
Soil is a sphere of the earth system with a special structure and function. From the point of view of the earth system, soil science should not only study the soil material but also change towards the relationship between the soil and the earth system, which has a profound impact on the human living environment and global change research. The results show the relationship between soil Atterberg limits and the occurrence mechanism of collapsing gullies, which can be used as a reference.