06 Nov 2017
 | 06 Nov 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal SE but the revision was not accepted.

Impacts of sewage irrigation on soil properties of farmland in China: A review

Qiangkun Li, Jiao Tang, Tian Wang, Dafu Wu, Carlos Alberto Busso, Ruifeng Jiao, and Xiujuan Ren

Abstract. Fresh water is a valuable nonrenewable resource and plays an important role of maintaining economic and social development. Sewage irrigation was taken a supplementary way to relieve water resource shortage in some areas (such as North China). With extensive implementation of sewage irrigation, serious pollution and destruction for farmland have gradually become a heated issue, impeding basic industries sustainable development in the near future. Here in this paper, some soil physical properties (soil bulk density, soil resistance to penetration and field capacity) and chemical properties (pH, soil organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, heavy metal and organic pollutants contents) and biological characteristics (soil microorganisms and enzyme activities) of farmland affected by sewage irrigation were systematically reviewed on the base of the current utilization status of China and some valuable suggestions were put forward to the future development prospects. This review will be beneficial for promoting healthy development of sewage irrigation and providing theoretical support for reclamation and high efficiency of effluents in China.

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Qiangkun Li, Jiao Tang, Tian Wang, Dafu Wu, Carlos Alberto Busso, Ruifeng Jiao, and Xiujuan Ren
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Qiangkun Li, Jiao Tang, Tian Wang, Dafu Wu, Carlos Alberto Busso, Ruifeng Jiao, and Xiujuan Ren
Qiangkun Li, Jiao Tang, Tian Wang, Dafu Wu, Carlos Alberto Busso, Ruifeng Jiao, and Xiujuan Ren


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