07 Feb 2017
 | 07 Feb 2017
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Modifications to Kozeny–Carman model to enhance petrophysical relationships

Amir M. S. Lala

Abstract. The most commonly used relationship relates permeability to porosity, grain size, and tortuosity is Kozeny–Carman formalism. When it is used to estimate the permeability behavior versus porosity, the other two parameters (the grain size and tortuosity) are usually kept constant. Here, we investigate the deficiency of the Kozeny–Carman assumption and offer alternative derived equations for the Kozeny–Carman equation, including equations where the grain size is replaced with the pore size and with varying tortuosity. We also introduced relationships for the permeability of shaly sand reservoir that answer the approximately linear permeability decreases in the log-linear permeability-porosity relationships in datasets from different locations.

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Amir M. S. Lala

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Interactive discussion

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Amir M. S. Lala


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Latest update: 08 Dec 2024

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Short summary
– Apply Kozeny–Carman Equation to get permeability from the porosity – Investigate the deficiency of the Kozeny–Carman assumption – Offer alternative permeability derived equations for the Kozeny–Carman equation – Also introduced relationships for the permeability of shaly sand reservoir – Apply Kozeny–Carman Equation to get permeability – Investigate the deficiency of the Kozeny–Carman – Offer alternative permeability derived equations