29 Jun 2020
 | 29 Jun 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

First report of ultra-high pressure metamorphism in the Paleozoic Dunhuang orogenic belt (NW China): Constrains from P-T paths of garnet clinopyroxenite and SIMS U-Pb dating of titanite

Zhen M. G. Li, Hao Y. C. Wang, Qian W. L. Zhang, Meng-Yan Shi, Jun-Sheng Lu, Jia-Hui Liu, and Chun-Ming Wu

Abstract. Ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism is recorded by garnet clinopyroxenite enclaves enclosed in an undeformed, unmetamorphosed granitic pluton, northeastern Paleozoic Dunhuang orogenic belt, northwest China. Three to four stages of metamorphic mineral assemblages have been found in the garnet clinopyroxenite, and clockwise metamorphic pressure-temperature (P-T) paths were retrieved, indicative of metamorphism of a possible subduction environment. Peak metamorphic P-T conditions (790~920 °C/28~41 kbar) of garnet clinopyroxenite suggest that they experienced high pressure to UHP metamorphism, and the UHP metamorphism occurred in the coesite- or diamond-stability field. The UHP metamorphic event is further confirmed by the occurrence of high-Al titanite enclosed in the garnet, along with at least three groups of aligned rutile lamellae exsolved from within the garnet. SIMS U-Pb dating of metamorphic titanite indicates that the post peak, subsequent tectonic exhumation of the UHP rocks occurred in the Devonian (~ 389~370 Ma). These data suggest that part of the Paleozoic Dunhuang orogenic belt experienced UHP metamorphism, and diverse metamorphic facies series prevailed in this orogen in the Paleozoic. It can be further inferred that most of the UHP rocks of this orogen are now buried in the depth.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Zhen M. G. Li, Hao Y. C. Wang, Qian W. L. Zhang, Meng-Yan Shi, Jun-Sheng Lu, Jia-Hui Liu, and Chun-Ming Wu

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Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Zhen M. G. Li, Hao Y. C. Wang, Qian W. L. Zhang, Meng-Yan Shi, Jun-Sheng Lu, Jia-Hui Liu, and Chun-Ming Wu
Zhen M. G. Li, Hao Y. C. Wang, Qian W. L. Zhang, Meng-Yan Shi, Jun-Sheng Lu, Jia-Hui Liu, and Chun-Ming Wu


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Latest update: 03 Mar 2025

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Short summary
This manuscript provides the first evidence of ultra-high metamorphism in the Paleozoic Dunhuang orogenic belt (NW China). Though no coesite or diamond was found in the samples or in this orogen, the geothermobarometric computation results and petrographic textures all suggest that the garnet clinopyroxenite experienced ultra-high pressure metamorphism, and SIMS U-Pb dating of titanite indicates that the post peak, subsequent tectonic exhumation of the UHP rocks occurred in the Devonian.