Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Research article
21 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 21 Jan 2019

3-D seismic travel-time tomography validation of a detailed subsurface model: a case study of the Záncara river basin (Cuenca, Spain)

David Marti, Ignacio Marzan, Jana Sachsenhausen, Joaquina Alvarez-Marrón, Mario Ruiz, Montse Torne, Manuela Mendes, and Ramon Carbonell


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Short summary
A detailed knowledge of the very shallow subsurface has become of crucial interest for modern society, especially if it hosts critical surface infrastructures such as temporary waste storage sites. The use of indirect methods to characterize the internal structure of the subsurface has been successfully applied, based on the 3-D distribution of seismic velocities and well-log data, which are of great interest for civil engineering companies.