Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Research article
21 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 21 Jan 2019

3-D seismic travel-time tomography validation of a detailed subsurface model: a case study of the Záncara river basin (Cuenca, Spain)

David Marti, Ignacio Marzan, Jana Sachsenhausen, Joaquina Alvarez-Marrón, Mario Ruiz, Montse Torne, Manuela Mendes, and Ramon Carbonell

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Reassessing the lithosphere: SeisDARE, an open-access seismic data repository
Irene DeFelipe, Juan Alcalde, Monika Ivandic, David Martí, Mario Ruiz, Ignacio Marzán, Jordi Diaz, Puy Ayarza, Imma Palomeras, Jose-Luis Fernandez-Turiel, Cecilia Molina, Isabel Bernal, Larry Brown, Roland Roberts, and Ramon Carbonell
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1053–1071,,, 2021
Short summary
Joint interpretation of magnetotelluric, seismic, and well-log data in Hontomín (Spain)
Xènia Ogaya, Juan Alcalde, Ignacio Marzán, Juanjo Ledo, Pilar Queralt, Alex Marcuello, David Martí, Eduard Saura, Ramon Carbonell, and Beatriz Benjumea
Solid Earth, 7, 943–958,,, 2016
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Basement structure of the Hontomín CO2 storage site (Spain) determined by integration of microgravity and 3-D seismic data
Juvenal Andrés, Juan Alcalde, Puy Ayarza, Eduard Saura, Ignacio Marzán, David Martí, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, Ramón Carbonell, Andrés Pérez-Estaún, José Luis García-Lobón, and Félix Manuel Rubio
Solid Earth, 7, 827–841,,, 2016
3-D reflection seismic imaging of the Hontomín structure in the Basque–Cantabrian Basin (Spain)
J. Alcalde, D. Martí, C. Juhlin, A. Malehmir, D. Sopher, E. Saura, I. Marzán, P. Ayarza, A. Calahorrano, A. Pérez-Estaún, and R. Carbonell
Solid Earth, 4, 481–496,,, 2013

Related subject area

Subject area: Crustal structure and composition | Editorial team: Seismics, seismology, paleoseismology, geoelectrics, and electromagnetics | Discipline: Geophysics
On the crustal composition of the Sardinia–Corsica continental block inferred from receiver functions
Fabio Cammarano, Henrique Berger Roisenberg, Alessio Conclave, Islam Fadel, and Mark van der Meijde
Solid Earth, 16, 135–154,,, 2025
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Geophysical downhole logging analysis within the shallow-depth ICDP STAR drilling project (central Italy)
Paola Montone, Simona Pierdominici, M. Teresa Mariucci, Francesco Mirabella, Marco Urbani, Assel Akimbekova, Lauro Chiaraluce, Wade Johnson, and Massimiliano Rinaldo Barchi
Solid Earth, 15, 1385–1406,,, 2024
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Multiphysics property prediction from hyperspectral drill core data
Akshay Kamath, Samuel Thiele, Moritz Kirsch, and Richard Gloaguen
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Post-Caledonian tectonic evolution of the Precambrian and Paleozoic platform boundary zone offshore Poland based on the new and vintage multi-channel reflection seismic data
Quang Nguyen, Michal Malinowski, Stanisław Mazur, Sergiy Stovba, Małgorzata Ponikowska, and Christian Hübscher
Solid Earth, 15, 1029–1046,,, 2024
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Comparison of surface-wave techniques to estimate S- and P-wave velocity models from active seismic data
Farbod Khosro Anjom, Frank Adler, and Laura Valentina Socco
Solid Earth, 15, 367–386,,, 2024
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Cited articles

Alcalde, J., Martí, D., Juhlin, C., Malehmir, A., Sopher, D., Saura, E., Marzán, I., Ayarza, P., Calahorrano, A., Pérez-Estaún, A., and Carbonell, R.: 3-D reflection seismic imaging of the Hontomín structure in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin (Spain), Solid Earth, 4, 481–496,, 2013a. 
Alcalde, J., Martí, D., Calahorrano, A., Marzan, I., Ayarza, P., Carbonell, R., Juhlin, C., and Pérez-Estaún, A.: Active seismic characterization experiments of the Hontomín research facility for geological storage of CO2, Spain, Int. J. Greenh. Gas Con., 19, 785–795,, 2013b. 
Alcalde, J., Marzán, I., Saura, E., Martí, D., Ayarza, P., Juhlin, C., Pérez-Estaún, A., and Carbonell, R.: 3-D geological characterization of the Hontomin CO2 storage site, Spain: multidisciplinary approach from seismics, well-logging and regional data, Tectonophysics, 627, 6–25,, 2014. 
Alonso-Zarza, A. M., Calvo, J. P., Silva, P. G., and Torres, T.: Cuenca del Tajo, in: Geología de España, edited by: Vera, J. A., SGE-IGME, Madrid, 556–561, 2004. 
Andara, E., Guillot, E., Carbonell, R., and García-Lobon, J. L: Constraining reflectivity in crystalline environment by using multicomponent VSP data, 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition: Unconventional Resources and the Role of Technology, Incorporating SPE EUROPEC, 4174–4178, 2011. 
Short summary
A detailed knowledge of the very shallow subsurface has become of crucial interest for modern society, especially if it hosts critical surface infrastructures such as temporary waste storage sites. The use of indirect methods to characterize the internal structure of the subsurface has been successfully applied, based on the 3-D distribution of seismic velocities and well-log data, which are of great interest for civil engineering companies.