Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Research article
06 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 06 Feb 2019

Impact of terrestrial reference frame realizations on altimetry satellite orbit quality and global and regional sea level trends: a switch from ITRF2008 to ITRF2014

Sergei Rudenko, Saskia Esselborn, Tilo Schöne, and Denise Dettmering


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Short summary
A terrestrial reference frame (TRF) realization is a basis for precise orbit determination of Earth-orbiting artificial satellites and sea level studies. We investigate the impact of a switch from an older TRF realization (ITRF2008) to a new one (ITRF2014) on the quality of orbits of three altimetry satellites (TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2) for 1992–2015, but especially from 2009 onwards, and on altimetry products computed using the satellite orbits derived using ITRF2014.