Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Research article
03 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 03 Apr 2019

Ionian Abyssal Plain: a window into the Tethys oceanic lithosphere

Anke Dannowski, Heidrun Kopp, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Dirk Klaeschen, Marc-André Gutscher, Anne Krabbenhoeft, David Dellong, Marzia Rovere, David Graindorge, Cord Papenberg, and Ingo Klaucke

Data sets

A seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection profile M111 - DY-05 during METEOR cruise M111 in the Ionian Sea, with links to SGY data files A. Dannowski and H. Kopp

Short summary
The nature of the Ionian Sea crust has been the subject of scientific debate for more than 30 years. Seismic data, recorded on ocean bottom instruments, have been analysed and support the interpretation of the Ionian Abyssal Plain as a remnant of the Tethys oceanic lithosphere with the Malta Escarpment as a transform margin and a Tethys opening in the NNW–SSE direction.