Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
Research article
16 May 2019
Research article |  | 16 May 2019

Regional Pliocene exhumation of the Lesser Himalaya in the Indus drainage

Peter D. Clift, Peng Zhou, Daniel F. Stockli, and Jerzy Blusztajn


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Short summary
Surface processes driven by climate have been linked to the tectonic evolution of mountain belts, with the Himalaya and Asian monsoon being classic examples. Sediments from the Arabian Sea show an increase in erosion from the Karakoram between 17 and 9.5 Ma, followed by an increase in the relative flux from the Himalaya after 5.7 Ma and especially from the Lesser Himalaya after 1.9 Ma. Lack of correlation with climate histories suggests that tectonic forces dominate control over erosion.