Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Method article
04 Sep 2020
Method article |  | 04 Sep 2020

Data acquisition by digitizing 2-D fracture networks and topographic lineaments in geographic information systems: further development and applications

Romesh Palamakumbura, Maarten Krabbendam, Katie Whitbread, and Christian Arnhardt


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Short summary
The aim of this paper is to describe, evaluate and develop a simple but robust low-cost method for capturing 2-D fracture network data in GIS and make them more accessible to a broader range of users in both academia and industry. We present a breakdown of the key steps in the methodology, which provides an understanding of how to avoid error and improve the accuracy of the final dataset. The 2-D digital method can be used to interpret traces of 2-D linear features on a wide variety of scales.