Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
21 Feb 2020
Research article |  | 21 Feb 2020

Dating tectonic activity in the Lepontine Dome and Rhone-Simplon Fault regions through hydrothermal monazite-(Ce)

Christian A. Bergemann, Edwin Gnos, Alfons Berger, Emilie Janots, and Martin J. Whitehouse


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Short summary
Metamorphic domes are areas in a mountain chain that were unburied and where deeper parts of the crust rose to the surface. The Lepontine Dome in the Swiss and Italian Alps is such a place, and it is additionally bordered on two sides by shear zones where crustal blocks moved past each other. To determine when these tectonic movements happened, we measured the ages of monazite crystals that form in fluid-filled pockets inside the rocks during these movements of exhumation and deformation.