Articles | Volume 11, issue 6
Method article
10 Nov 2020
Method article |  | 10 Nov 2020

Pragmatic solvers for 3D Stokes and elasticity problems with heterogeneous coefficients: evaluating modern incomplete LDLT preconditioners

Patrick Sanan, Dave A. May, Matthias Bollhöfer, and Olaf Schenk


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Short summary
Mantle and lithospheric dynamics, elasticity, subsurface flow, and other fields involve solving indefinite linear systems. Tools include direct solvers (robust, easy to use, expensive) and advanced iterative solvers (complex, problem-sensitive). We show that a third option, ILDL preconditioners, requires less memory than direct solvers but is easy to use, as applied to 3D problems with parameter jumps. With included software, we hope to allow researchers to solve previously infeasible problems.