Articles | Volume 12, issue 8
Research article
20 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 20 Aug 2021

Crustal structure of the East African Limpopo margin, a strike-slip rifted corridor along the continental Mozambique Coastal Plain and North Natal Valley

Mikael Evain, Philippe Schnürle, Angélique Leprêtre, Fanny Verrier, Louise Watremez, Joseph Offei Thompson, Philippe de Clarens, Daniel Aslanian, and Maryline Moulin


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Short summary
This study analyses recently acquired marine seismic data offshore of southeastern Mozambique. It aims to better constrain the early history and formation of southeastern African margins. The crustal structure and segmentation of the Limpopo margin provide evidence of strike-slip rifting along the eastern North Natal Valley. This has profound consequences on our understanding of the East Gondwana breakup, challenging kinematic models based on an overlap between the Antarctic and African plates.