Articles | Volume 12, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2021

Sedimentary basins of the eastern Asia Arctic zone: new details on their structure revealed by decompensative gravity anomalies

Roman V. Sidorov, Mikhail K. Kaban, Anatoly A. Soloviev, Alexei G. Petrunin, Alexei D. Gvishiani, Alexei A. Oshchenko, Anton B. Popov, and Roman I. Krasnoperov

Data sets

Results of the study of structure of sedimentary basins in the Eastern Asia Arctic zone based on decompensative gravity anomalies – World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics, ESDB repository Kaban et al., 2021

Short summary
In the present study, the structure of sedimentary basins in the eastern Asia Arctic zone is analysed by employing the approach based on decompensative gravity anomalies. Two obtained models of thickness and density of sediments in the study area display significant changes in the thickness and distribution of sedimentary rocks revealed for some particular basins. The new results improve our knowledge about the region, providing a better understanding of the evolution of the sedimentary basins.