Articles | Volume 13, issue 8
Research article
12 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 12 Aug 2022

Whole-rock and zircon evidence for evolution of the Late Jurassic high-Sr ∕ Y Zhoujiapuzi granite, Liaodong Peninsula, North China Craton

Renyu Zeng, Mark B. Allen, Xiancheng Mao, Jianqing Lai, Jie Yan, and Jianjun Wan


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Short summary
In the Liaodong Peninsula, the widely exposed Jurassic high-Sr / Y rocks are generally considered to be derived from the thickened mafic crust. However, research on the Zhoujiapuzi granite in this study shows that there is at least one pluton with a high Sr / Y signature inherited from the source. Zircon growth in Zhoujiapuzi granite can be divided into two stages. The light-CL core was formed in a deeper, hotter magma chamber. The dark-CL rim formed from later, more evolved magma.