Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Research article
10 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 10 Oct 2023

A new seismicity catalogue of the eastern Alps using the temporary Swath-D network

Laurens Jan Hofman, Jörn Kummerow, Simone Cesca, and the AlpArray–Swath-D Working Group

Data sets

Seismicity catalogue for the Eastern Alps (Swath-D) L. J. Hofman, J. Kummerow, S. Cesca, and the AlpArray-Swath-D Working Group

Short summary
We present an earthquake catalogue for the eastern and southern Alps based on data from a local temporary monitoring network. The methods we developed for the detection and localisation focus especially on very small earthquakes. This provides insight into the local geology and tectonics and provides an important base for future research in this part of the Alps.