Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Research article
25 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 25 Oct 2023

The 2022 MW 6.0 Gölyaka–Düzce earthquake: an example of a medium-sized earthquake in a fault zone early in its seismic cycle

Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Dirk Becker, Jorge Jara, Xiang Chen, Grzegorz Kwiatek, and Marco Bohnhoff


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Latest update: 11 Oct 2024
Short summary
We analyze the 2022 MW 6.0 Gölyaka sequence. A high-resolution seismicity catalog revealed no spatiotemporal localization and lack of immediate foreshocks. Aftershock distribution suggests the activation of the Karadere and Düzce faults. The preferential energy propagation suggests that the mainshock propagated eastwards, which is in agreement with predictions from models, where the velocity in the two sides of the fault is different.