Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Research article
28 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 28 Jul 2023

A borehole trajectory inversion scheme to adjust the measurement geometry for 3D travel-time tomography on glaciers

Sebastian Hellmann, Melchior Grab, Cedric Patzer, Andreas Bauder, and Hansruedi Maurer

Data sets

Field and Synthetic Data for a Combined 3D~Velocity and Borehole Trajectory Inversion Algorithm S. Hellmann

Video supplement

A Borehole Trajectory Inversion Scheme to Adjust the Measurement Geometry for 3D Travel Time Tomography on Glaciers - Video Supplement S. Hellmann

Short summary
Acoustic waves are suitable to analyse the physical properties of the subsurface. For this purpose, boreholes are quite useful to deploy a source and receivers in the target area to get a comprehensive high-resolution dataset. However, when conducting such experiments in a subsurface such as glaciers that continuously move, the boreholes get deformed. In our study, we therefore developed a method that allows an analysis of the ice while considering deformations.