Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
12 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 12 Sep 2024

How a volcanic arc influences back-arc extension: insight from 2D numerical models

Duo Zhang and J. Huw Davies

Data sets

Fluidity staffs at Imperial College London, University of Oxford, University of Reading, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, Herriot Watt University, Numerical Algorithms Group, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Florida State University, Columbia University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, and the Australian National University

How a volcanic arc influences back-arc extension: insight from 2D numerical models D. Zhang

Short summary
We numerically model the influence of an arc on back-arc extension. The arc is simulated by placing a hot region on the overriding plate. We investigate how plate ages and properties of the hot region affect back-arc extension and present regime diagrams illustrating the nature of back-arc extension for these models. We find that back-arc extension occurs not only in the hot region but also, surprisingly, away from it, and a hot region facilitates extension on the overriding plate.