Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
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How a volcanic arc influences back-arc extension: insight from 2D numerical models
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, UK
J. Huw Davies
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, UK
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Gwynfor T. Morgan, J. Huw Davies, Robert Myhill, and James Panton
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We simulate the effect of phase boundaries which are described by multiple Clapeyron slopes in P-T space on mantle geodynamics. We are motivated by two examples: the Rw-to-Brm+Pc reaction proceeding via Ak at cool temperatures, & a curving Gt-to-Brm boundary. Some have suggested these could change mantle dynamics. We find that this is unlikely for both reactions: the first due to the uniqueness of thermodynamic state, and the second due to the low value of Clapeyron slope and density change.
Conor P. B. O'Malley, Gareth G. Roberts, James Panton, Fred D. Richards, J. Huw Davies, Victoria M. Fernandes, and Sia Ghelichkhan
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We wish to understand how the history of flowing rock within Earth's interior impacts deflection of its surface. Observations exist to address this problem, and mathematics and different computing tools can be used to predict histories of flow. We explore how modelling choices impact calculated vertical deflections. The sensitivity of vertical motions at Earth's surface to deep flow is assessed, demonstrating how surface observations can enlighten flow histories.
Martin Wolstencroft and J. Huw Davies
Solid Earth, 8, 817–825,,, 2017
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A key aspect of plate tectonics is the periodic assembly and subsequent break-up of supercontinents. There is strong evidence that this has happened repeatedly over geological history, but exactly how a supercontinent breaks up is still debated. In this paper, we use computer modelling of Earth's interior to show that the force needed to break a supercontinent should always arise from a combination of global-scale passive
pulling apartand active
pushing apartforces driven by the mantle.
Hein J. van Heck, J. Huw Davies, Tim Elliott, and Don Porcelli
Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 1399–1411,,, 2016
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Currently, extensive geochemical databases of surface observations exist, but satisfying explanations of underlying mantle processes are lacking. We have implemented a new way to track both bulk compositions and concentrations of trace elements in a mantle convection code. In our model, chemical fractionation happens at evolving melting zones. We compare our results to a semi-analytical theory relating observed arrays of correlated Pb isotope compositions to melting age distributions.
D. R. Davies, J. H. Davies, P. C. Bollada, O. Hassan, K. Morgan, and P. Nithiarasu
Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 1095–1107,,, 2013
Related subject area
Subject area: Tectonic plate interactions, magma genesis, and lithosphere deformation at all scales | Editorial team: Geodynamics and quantitative modelling | Discipline: Geodynamics
Various lithospheric deformation patterns derived from rheological contrasts between continental terranes: insights from 2-D numerical simulations
The influence of viscous slab rheology on numerical models of subduction
Statistical appraisal of geothermal heat flow observations in the Arctic
Increased metamorphic conditions in the lower crust during oceanic transform fault evolution
Thrusts control the thermal maturity of accreted sediments
The role of continental lithospheric thermal structure in the evolution of orogenic systems: application to the Himalayan–Tibetan collision zone
The effect of temperature-dependent material properties on simple thermal models of subduction zones
Plume–ridge interactions: ridgeward versus plate-drag plume flow
A corrected finite-difference scheme for the flexure equation with abrupt changes in coefficient
The role of edge-driven convection in the generation ofvolcanism – Part 2: Interaction with mantle plumes, applied to the Canary Islands
The effect of low-viscosity sediments on the dynamics and accretionary style of subduction margins
Thermal non-equilibrium of porous flow in a resting matrix applicable to melt migration: a parametric study
101 geodynamic modelling: how to design, interpret, and communicate numerical studies of the solid Earth
A new finite element approach to model microscale strain localization within olivine aggregates
Buoyancy versus shear forces in building orogenic wedges
Renxian Xie, Lin Chen, Jason P. Morgan, and Yongshun John Chen
Solid Earth, 15, 789–806,,, 2024
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Continental terranes have various rheological strengths due to the differences in their ages, compositions, and structures. We applied four assumed rheological models to three terranes in a collisional model and obtained four styles of lithosphere deformation patterns of collision, subduction, thickening/delamination, and replacement. These simulation patterns are seen in observed lithosphere deformation patterns and structures in East Asia.
Natalie Hummel, Susanne Buiter, and Zoltán Erdős
Solid Earth, 15, 567–587,,, 2024
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Simulations of subducting tectonic plates often use material properties extrapolated from the behavior of small rock samples in a laboratory to conditions found in the Earth. We explore several typical approaches to simulating these extrapolated material properties and show that they produce very rigid subducting plates with unrealistic dynamics. Our findings imply that subducting plates deform by additional mechanisms that are less commonly implemented in simulations.
Judith Freienstein, Wolfgang Szwillus, Agnes Wansing, and Jörg Ebbing
Solid Earth, 15, 513–533,,, 2024
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Geothermal heat flow influences ice sheet dynamics, making its investigation important for ice-covered regions. Here we evaluate the sparse measurements for their agreement with regional solid Earth models, as well as with a statistical approach. This shows that some points should be excluded from regional studies. In particular, the NGRIP point, which strongly influences heat flow maps and the distribution of high basal melts, should be statistically considered an outlier.
Peter Haas, Myron F. H. Thomas, Christian Heine, Jörg Ebbing, Andrey Seregin, and Jimmy van Itterbeeck
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Transform faults are conservative plate boundaries, where no material is added or destroyed. Oceanic fracture zones are their inactive remnants and record tectonic processes that formed oceanic crust. In this study, Haas et al. combine high resolution data sets along fracture zones in the Gulf of Guinea to demonstrate that their formation is characterized by increased metamorphic conditions. This is in line with previous studies that describe the non-conservative character of transform faults.
Utsav Mannu, David Fernández-Blanco, Ayumu Miyakawa, Taras Gerya, and Masataka Kinoshita
Solid Earth, 15, 1–21,,, 2024
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Accretion during subduction, in which one tectonic plate moves under another, forms a wedge where sediments can be transformed into hydrocarbons. We utilised realistic computer models to investigate this and, in particular, how accretion affects mobility in the wedge and found that the evolution of the wedge and the thrusts it develops fundamentally control the thermal maturity of sediments. This can help us better understand the history of subduction and the formation of hydrocarbons in wedges.
Mengxue Liu, Dinghui Yang, and Rui Qi
Solid Earth, 14, 1155–1168,,, 2023
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The continuous subduction mainly occurs with a relatively cold overriding lithosphere (Tmoho ≤ 450 °C), while slab break-off dominates when the model has a relatively hot procontinental Moho temparature (Tmoho ≥ 500 °C). Hr is more prone to facilitating the deformation of the lithospheric upper part than altering the collision mode. The lithospheric thermal structure may have played a significant role in the development of Himalayan–Tibetan orogenic lateral heterogeneity.
Iris van Zelst, Cedric Thieulot, and Timothy J. Craig
Solid Earth, 14, 683–707,,, 2023
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A common simplification in subduction zone models is the use of constant thermal parameters, while experiments have shown that they vary with temperature. We test various formulations of temperature-dependent thermal parameters and show that they change the thermal structure of the subducting slab. We recommend that modelling studies of the thermal structure of subduction zones take the temperature dependence of thermal parameters into account, especially when providing insights into seismicity.
Fengping Pang, Jie Liao, Maxim D. Ballmer, and Lun Li
Solid Earth, 14, 353–368,,, 2023
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Plume–ridge interaction is an intriguing geological process in plate tectonics. In this paper, we address the respective role of ridgeward vs. plate-drag plume flow in 2D thermomechanical models and compare the results with a compilation of observations on Earth. From a geophysical and geochemical analysis of Earth plumes and in combination with the model results, we propose that the absence of plumes interacting with ridges in the Pacific is largely caused by the presence of plate drag.
David Hindle and Olivier Besson
Solid Earth, 14, 197–212,,, 2023
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By making a change to the way we solve the flexure equation that describes how the Earth's outer layer bends when it is subjected to loading by ice sheets or mountains, we develop new ways of using an old method from geodynamics. This lets us study the Earth's outer layer by measuring a parameter called the elastic thickness, effectively how stiff and springy the outer layer is when it gets loaded and also how the Earth's outer layer gets broken around its edges and in its interior.
Antonio Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba and Maxim D. Ballmer
Solid Earth, 13, 1585–1605,,, 2022
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The origin of many volcanic archipelagos on the Earth remains uncertain. By using 3D modelling of mantle flow and melting, we investigate the interaction between the convective mantle near the continental–oceanic transition and rising hot plumes. We believe that this phenomenon is the origin behind some archipelagos, in particular the Canary Islands. Analysing our results, we reconcile observations that were previously enigmatic, such as the complex patterns of volcanism in the Canaries.
Adina E. Pusok, Dave R. Stegman, and Madeleine Kerr
Solid Earth, 13, 1455–1473,,, 2022
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Sediments play an important role in global volatile and tectonic cycles, yet their effect on subduction dynamics is poorly resolved. In this study, we investigate how sediment properties influence subduction dynamics and obtain accretionary or erosive-style margins. Results show that even a thin layer of sediments can exert a profound influence on the emergent regional-scale subduction dynamics.
Laure Chevalier and Harro Schmeling
Solid Earth, 13, 1045–1063,,, 2022
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Fluid flow through rock occurs in many geological settings on different scales, at different temperature conditions and with different flow velocities. Fluid is either in local thermal equilibrium with the host rock or not. We explore the parameters of porous flow and give scaling laws. These allow us to decide whether porous flows are in thermal equilibrium or not. Applied to magmatic systems, moving melts in channels or dikes moderately to strongly deviate from thermal equilibrium.
Iris van Zelst, Fabio Crameri, Adina E. Pusok, Anne Glerum, Juliane Dannberg, and Cedric Thieulot
Solid Earth, 13, 583–637,,, 2022
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Geodynamic modelling provides a powerful tool to investigate processes in the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core that are not directly observable. In this review, we present a comprehensive yet concise overview of the modelling process with an emphasis on best practices. We also highlight synergies with related fields, such as seismology and geology. Hence, this review is the perfect starting point for anyone wishing to (re)gain a solid understanding of geodynamic modelling as a whole.
Jean Furstoss, Carole Petit, Clément Ganino, Marc Bernacki, and Daniel Pino-Muñoz
Solid Earth, 12, 2369–2385,,, 2021
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In the first part of this article, we present a new methodology that we have developed to model the deformation and the microstructural evolutions of olivine rocks, which make up the main part of the Earth upper mantle. In a second part, using this methodology we show that microstructural features such as small grain sizes and preferential grain orientations can localize strain at the same intensity and can act together to produce an even stronger strain localization.
Lorenzo G. Candioti, Thibault Duretz, Evangelos Moulas, and Stefan M. Schmalholz
Solid Earth, 12, 1749–1775,,, 2021
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We quantify the relative importance of forces driving the dynamics of mountain building using two-dimensional computer simulations of long-term coupled lithosphere–upper-mantle deformation. Buoyancy forces can be as high as shear forces induced by far-field plate motion and should be considered when studying the formation of mountain ranges. The strength of rocks flooring the oceans and the density structure of the crust control deep rock cycling and the topographic elevation of orogens.
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Short summary
We numerically model the influence of an arc on back-arc extension. The arc is simulated by placing a hot region on the overriding plate. We investigate how plate ages and properties of the hot region affect back-arc extension and present regime diagrams illustrating the nature of back-arc extension for these models. We find that back-arc extension occurs not only in the hot region but also, surprisingly, away from it, and a hot region facilitates extension on the overriding plate.
We numerically model the influence of an arc on back-arc extension. The arc is simulated by...