Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Research article
26 Feb 2025
Research article |  | 26 Feb 2025

Petrogenesis of early Paleozoic I-type granitoids in the Longshoushan and implications for the tectonic affinity and evolution of the southwestern Alxa Block

Renyu Zeng, Hui Su, Mark B. Allen, Haiyan Shi, Houfa Du, Chenguang Zhang, and Jie Yan

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Short summary
Debate has long surrounded the tectonic affinity and evolution of Longshoushan during the Paleozoic. This study presents new zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock major and trace element data, and Hf isotopic analyses for granitoids. (1) Longshoushan was influenced by the North Qilian Orogenic Belt in the early Paleozoic, (2) it transitioned from a post-collisional compressional to an extensional setting ~435 Ma, and (3) a three-stage early Paleozoic tectonic model is proposed.