Research article
09 May 2014
Research article |
09 May 2014
Focal mechanisms in the southern Aegean from temporary seismic networks – implications for the regional stress field and ongoing deformation processes
W. Friederich, A. Brüstle, L. Küperkoch, T. Meier, S. Lamara, and Egelados Working Group
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12 citations as recorded by crossref.
Present‐day crustal stress field in Greece inferred from regional‐scale damped inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms
K. Konstantinou et al.
Symptomatic discretization of small earthquake clusters reveals seismic coupling to 2017 Bodrum earthquake (Mw 6.6) in the Gulf of Gökova (SW corner of Turkey): Viscous-compliant seismogenesis over back-arc setting
M. Toker
Tearing, segmentation, and backstepping of subduction in the Aegean: New insights from seismicity
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Investigating Seismic Events along the Eurasian Plate between Greece and Turkey: 10 Years of Seismological Analysis and Implications
A. Moshou
Active stress field of the Southern Aegean Sea subduction area from fault-plane solutions on the basis of different stress inversion approaches
C. Kkallas et al.
The 12 October 2021, $$M_W$$=6.4, Zakros, Crete earthquake
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Backarc tectonism, volcanism, and mass wasting shape seafloor morphology in the Santorini-Christiana-Amorgos region of the Hellenic Volcanic Arc
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Early preliminary results on co-seismic deformation of the island of Samos associated with co-seismic slip following the October 2020 Mw 6.9 Samos earthquake (Greece)
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Comparative New Insight into the Tectonic Origin of Folds and Thrust Faults of an Extensional Basin: Söke-Kuşadasi Basin, Aegean, Western Turkey
B. Doğan
Focal mechanism and depth of the 1956 Amorgos twin earthquakes from waveform matching of analogue seismograms
A. Brüstle et al.
Tectonism and Its Relation to Magmatism Around Santorini Volcano From Upper Crustal P Wave Velocity
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The July 20, 2017 M6.6 Kos Earthquake: Seismic and Geodetic Evidence for an Active North-Dipping Normal Fault at the Western End of the Gulf of Gökova (SE Aegean Sea)
A. Ganas et al.
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