Articles | Volume 6, issue 3
Research article
31 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 31 Jul 2015

Thickness of the lithosphere beneath Turkey and surroundings from S-receiver functions

R. Kind, T. Eken, F. Tilmann, F. Sodoudi, T. Taymaz, F. Bulut, X. Yuan, B. Can, and F. Schneider


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Short summary
We observed with seismic data in the entire region of Turkey and surroundings the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB). It is located generally between 80 and 100km depth outside the subduction zone. No change of the LAB depth was observed across the North and East Anatolian faults. The LAB of the subducting African plate is observed down to about 150km depth from the Aegean to the east of Cyprus, with a tear at Cyprus.