Articles | Volume 7, issue 5
Research article
21 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 21 Sep 2016

3-D GPS velocity field and its implications on the present-day post-orogenic deformation of the Western Alps and Pyrenees

Hai Ninh Nguyen, Philippe Vernant, Stephane Mazzotti, Giorgi Khazaradze, and Eva Asensio


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Short summary
We present a new 3-D GPS velocity solution for 182 sites for the region encompassing the Western Alps, Pyrenees. The only significant horizontal deformation (0.2 mm/yr over a distance of 50 km) is a NNE–SSW extension in the western Pyrenees. In contrast, significant uplift rates up to 2 mm/yr occur in the Western Alps but not in the Pyrenees. A correlation between site elevations and fast uplift rates in the Western Alps suggests that part of this uplift is induced by postglacial rebound.