Articles | Volume 7, issue 6
Research article
29 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 29 Nov 2016

The imprint of crustal density heterogeneities on regional seismic wave propagation

Agnieszka Płonka, Nienke Blom, and Andreas Fichtner

Data sets

The imprint of crustal density heterogeneities on regional seismic wave propagation - dataset A. Płonka

Short summary
Imaging the inside of the Earth requires knowledge of how the Earth's properties affect seismic recordings. However, certain properties, such as density, affect seismograms in a way that is not fully known. Using numerical simulations, we can calculate a synthetic seismogram for a medium with and without density heterogeneities, and then compare the two signals. That way, we quantify the density effect on a seismogram. We also show that it is visible and growing as the wavefield gets scattered.