Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Research article
24 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 24 Mar 2016

POLENET/LAPNET teleseismic P wave travel time tomography model of the upper mantle beneath northern Fennoscandia

Hanna Silvennoinen, Elena Kozlovskaya, and Eduard Kissling


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Short summary
POLENET/LAPNET broadband seismic network was deployed in northern Fennoscandia 2007–2009. In our study we estimate the 3D architecture of the upper mantle beneath the network using high-resolution teleseismic P-wave tomography. Our study reveals a highly heterogeneous lithospheric mantle. The most significant feature seen in the obtained velocity model is a large elongated low-velocity anomaly beneath the crust, separating the three cratonic units that formed the region in the early Proterozoic.