Articles | Volume 8, issue 6
Research article
21 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 21 Dec 2017

Constraints on the rheology of the lower crust in a strike-slip plate boundary: evidence from the San Quintín xenoliths, Baja California, Mexico

Thomas van der Werf, Vasileios Chatzaras, Leo Marcel Kriegsman, Andreas Kronenberg, Basil Tikoff, and Martyn R. Drury


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Short summary
The strength of Earth's lower crust affects the cycle of earthquakes in tectonic plate boundaries. To understand the mechanical properties of the lower crust beneath northern Baja California, Mexico, we studied rocks, which were transferred to the surface during the eruption of Quaternary volcanoes. The lower crust is strongly deformed, hot, and dry. During transient events of deformation, the lower crust is weak, and its strength is similar to the strength of the upper mantle.