Articles | Volume 8, issue 3
Research article
29 May 2017
Research article |  | 29 May 2017

Evaluating of the spatial heterogeneity of soil loss tolerance and its effects on erosion risk in the carbonate areas of southern China

Yue Li, Xiao Yong Bai, Shi Jie Wang, Luo Yi Qin, Yi Chao Tian, and Guang Jie Luo


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Latest update: 03 Mar 2025
Short summary
First, we report the following discovery: T values are spatially heterogeneous, and a minimum of three criteria should be considered instead of only a single criterion in karst areas. In fact, our findings disprove the old “one region, one T value” concept. Second, we proposed a new viewpoint: in karst regions, a large soil erosion modulus does not correspond to severe soil erosion. Although T value can reflect soil sensitivity, this value cannot indicate soil erosion risk.