Articles | Volume 9, issue 4
Research article
20 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 20 Jul 2018

Neoproterozoic and post-Caledonian exhumation and shallow faulting in NW Finnmark from K–Ar dating and pT analysis of fault rocks

Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Steffen G. Bergh, and Klaus Wemmer


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Latest update: 11 Mar 2025
Short summary
We dated the formation of large faults in order to constrain the tectonic and exhumation history of the Barents Sea and northern Norway. Some of the dated faults formed apprx. 1 Ga and are much older than expected. However, most dated faults were active during two periods of extension: 375–325 and 315–265 Ma. The study of minerals along these cracks shows that exposed rocks in Finnmark were exhumed from deep (> 10 km) to shallow depth (< 3.5 km) during the two periods of extension.