22 Apr 2015
 | 22 Apr 2015
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal SE but the revision was not accepted.

Acoustic–electromagnetic effects of tectonic movements of the crust – borehole survey

V. N. Uvarov, E. I. Malkin, G. I. Druzhin, D. V. Sannikov, and V. M. Pukhov

Abstract. Borehole radiophysical properties are briefly described. Borehole investigation of lithosphere acoustic-electromagnetic radiation was carried out in a seismically active region. Four main types of anomalies of acoustic-electromagnetic radiation were distinguished. They correspond to shear and bulk relaxations of tectonic stress. Stability of phase relations of acoustic and electromagnetic signals in the region of anomalies was detected that allows us to state their coherence. It was concluded that the reason of mutual coherence of acoustic and electromagnetic signals is the magnetoelastic effect of the casing pipe. A mechanism of generation of rock self-induced vibrations during tectonic stress relaxation causing acoustic-electromagnetic emission was suggested. It was concluded that "sigmoid" anomalies may correlate with excitation of eigen vibrations in a fracture cavity during brittle shear relaxation of rock tectonic stress. An explanation of the change of anomalous "sigmoid" signal frequency was given. It is considered to be the result of growth of rock fracture cavity and the decrease of tectonic stress relaxation. It was concluded that a borehole, cased in a steel pipe, together with a system of inductance coils and a hydrophone is the effective sounding sensor for acoustic fields of interior deep layers. It may be applied to investigate and to monitor the geodynamic activity, in particular, in earthquake forecasts and in monitoring of hydrocarbon deposits during their production.

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V. N. Uvarov, E. I. Malkin, G. I. Druzhin, D. V. Sannikov, and V. M. Pukhov
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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V. N. Uvarov, E. I. Malkin, G. I. Druzhin, D. V. Sannikov, and V. M. Pukhov
V. N. Uvarov, E. I. Malkin, G. I. Druzhin, D. V. Sannikov, and V. M. Pukhov


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Short summary
Borehole investigation of lithosphere acoustic-electromagnetic radiation was carried out in a seismically active region. Four main types of anomalies of acoustic-electromagnetic radiation were distinguished. Stability of phase relations of acoustic and electromagnetic signals was detected. It is explaned by the magnetoelastic effect of the casing pipe. A mechanism of generation of rock self-induced vibrations during tectonic stress relaxation causing acoustic-electromagnetic emission was suggest