06 Nov 2017
 | 06 Nov 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal SE but the revision was not accepted.

Phytoextraction and the economic perspective of phytomining of heavy metals

Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Amanullah Mahar, Wang Ping, Fazli Wahid, Feng Shen, Ronghua Li, and Zengqiang Zhang

Abstract. The world rapid growing population, expanding economics and anthropogenic activities contribute to heavy metals pollution, which are non-biodegradable, persistent and threaten the environment. The rising level of heavy metals in environment emphasizes on indigenous technologies, but conventional technologies are too expensive, laborious and result in secondary pollution. Phytoremediation/phytoextraction is a plant based technology, which is environmental friendly, economic and effective for heavy metals remediation. The global market of phytoremediation is 34–54 billion US$ and is expanding in the developed countries, providing an opportunity for this green technology. Suitability of phytoextraction depends on biomass production, accumulation rate and tolerance to target metals. Metals uptake can be enhanced by exploring effective hyperaccumulators, expanding phytomining operations and extending molecular studies on accumulation mechanism, tolerance and sensitivity of heavy metals. Hyperaccumulator plants achieve greater performance at low cost than conventional technologies for in situ metal removal. Phytomining generate revenue and provide new research area for biofortification of food and feed, biofuel and metal rich biochar production in future. This review highlights the sources of heavy metals and its effects on plants, enhancing phytoremediation process and increasing economic benefits of phytomining.

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Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Amanullah Mahar, Wang Ping, Fazli Wahid, Feng Shen, Ronghua Li, and Zengqiang Zhang
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Amanullah Mahar, Wang Ping, Fazli Wahid, Feng Shen, Ronghua Li, and Zengqiang Zhang
Amjad Ali, Di Guo, Amanullah Mahar, Wang Ping, Fazli Wahid, Feng Shen, Ronghua Li, and Zengqiang Zhang


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Short summary
The global anthropogenic activities led to heavy metals pollution. Conventional technologies are too expensive, laborious and results in secondary pollution. The green technology like phytoremediation is environmental friendly and economical. The uptake by phytoremediation can be more effective by exploring hyperaccumulators, expanding phytomining and molecular studies. This review is part of compiling the published work on the successful trials of phytoremediation and its economic benefits.