Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
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20 Aug 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 20 Aug 2019

Fault-controlled dolomitization in the Montagna dei Fiori Anticline (Central Apennines, Italy): record of a dominantly pre-orogenic fluid migration

Mahtab Mozafari, Rudy Swennen, Fabrizio Balsamo, Hamdy El Desouky, Fabrizio Storti, and Conxita Taberner


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Short summary
The dolomitized intervals of the Lower Jurassic deposits exposed in the Montagna dei Fiori Anticline (Central Apennines, Italy) have been investigated. Accordingly, two fault-related dolomitization events were recognised and interpreted as having occurred before and during the Apenninic orogeny. The analyses suggest significant involvement of evaporitic fluids in both events, most likely derived from the underlying Upper Triassic Burano Formation in the detachment level.