Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
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Fault-controlled dolomitization in the Montagna dei Fiori Anticline (Central Apennines, Italy): record of a dominantly pre-orogenic fluid migration
Mahtab Mozafari
NEXT – Natural and Experimental Tectonics Research Group – Department
of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, University of
Parma, Italy
Rudy Swennen
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Fabrizio Balsamo
NEXT – Natural and Experimental Tectonics Research Group – Department
of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, University of
Parma, Italy
Hamdy El Desouky
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Menoufia,
Fabrizio Storti
NEXT – Natural and Experimental Tectonics Research Group – Department
of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, University of
Parma, Italy
Conxita Taberner
Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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Mattia Pizzati, Luciana Mantovani, Antonio Lisotti, Fabrizio Storti, and Fabrizio Balsamo
EGUsphere,,, 2023
Preprint archived
Short summary
Short summary
This work proposes a new equation to calculate the 3D average particle diameter from 2D datasets acquired through image analysis technique applied on thin sectioned granular materials (loose sands with different textural and mineralogical features). The employed volume-weighted mean diameter equation provides matching results with data gained by laser granulometry and could be applied in many research areas spanning from Earth Sciences, Engineering and Material Sciences.
Andrea Bistacchi, Silvia Mittempergher, Mattia Martinelli, and Fabrizio Storti
Solid Earth, 11, 2535–2547,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
We present an innovative workflow for the statistical analysis of fracture data collected along scanlines. Our methodology is based on performing non-parametric statistical tests, which allow detection of important features of the spatial distribution of fractures, and on the analysis of the cumulative spacing function (CSF) and cumulative spacing derivative (CSD), which allows the boundaries of stationary domains to be defined in an objective way.
Leonardo Del Sole, Marco Antonellini, Roger Soliva, Gregory Ballas, Fabrizio Balsamo, and Giulio Viola
Solid Earth, 11, 2169–2195,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
This study focuses on the impact of deformation bands on fluid flow and diagenesis in porous sandstones in two different case studies (northern Apennines, Italy; Provence, France) by combining a variety of multiscalar mapping techniques, detailed field and microstructural observations, and stable isotope analysis. We show that deformation bands buffer and compartmentalize fluid flow and foster and localize diagenesis, recorded by carbonate cement nodules spatially associated with the bands.
Related subject area
Subject area: Crustal structure and composition | Editorial team: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, geomorphology, morphotectonics, and palaeontology | Discipline: Sedimentology
Fold localization at pre-existing normal faults: field observations and analogue modelling of the Achental structure, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria
High-resolution analysis of the physicochemical characteristics of sandstone media at the lithofacies scale
Willemijn Sarah Maria Theresia van Kooten, Hugo Ortner, Ernst Willingshofer, Dimitrios Sokoutis, Alfred Gruber, and Thomas Sausgruber
Solid Earth, 15, 91–120,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Extensional deformation creates structures that may be reactivated during subsequent shortening. The Achental structure within the Northern Calcareous Alps fold-and-thrust belt is a natural example of a basin margin that was inverted during Alpine orogeny. We have studied the influence of such inherited inhomogeneities in the field and as an analogue model. We find that oblique shortening can create structures outlining pre-existing faults within a single deformation event.
Adrian Linsel, Sebastian Wiesler, Jens Hornung, and Matthias Hinderer
Solid Earth, 11, 1511–1526,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
We present a high-resolution 3D analysis of the physicochemical characteristics of two sandstone cubes at the submeter scale. Our study provides insight into the spatial distribution and the controlling factors of small-scale heterogeneity in sandstone media. A comprehensive physicochemical data set is provided, which may help to evaluate the degree of uncertainty that should be considered in field-scale property models.
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Short summary
The dolomitized intervals of the Lower Jurassic deposits exposed in the Montagna dei Fiori Anticline (Central Apennines, Italy) have been investigated. Accordingly, two fault-related dolomitization events were recognised and interpreted as having occurred before and during the Apenninic orogeny. The analyses suggest significant involvement of evaporitic fluids in both events, most likely derived from the underlying Upper Triassic Burano Formation in the detachment level.
The dolomitized intervals of the Lower Jurassic deposits exposed in the Montagna dei Fiori...