Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
Research article
17 Jun 2019
Research article |  | 17 Jun 2019

The Ogooue Fan (offshore Gabon): a modern example of deep-sea fan on a complex slope profile

Salomé Mignard, Thierry Mulder, Philippe Martinez, and Thierry Garlan

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Beaubouef, R. T. and Friedmann, S. J.: High resolution seismic/sequence stratigraphic framework for the evolution of Pleistocene intra slope basins, western Gulf of Mexico: depositional models and reservoir analogs, in: Deepwater Reservoirs of the World, Presented at the SEPM, 20th Annual Research Conference, 40–60, 2000. 
Short summary
A large quantity a continental material is transported to the oceans by the world rivers. Once in the ocean, these particles can be transported down the continental shelf thanks to underwater avalanches. The repetition of such massive events can form very important sedimentary deposits at the continent–ocean transition. Data obtained during an oceanic cruise in 2010 allowed us to study such a system located offshore of Gabon and to evaluate the importance sediment transport in this area.