Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
14 Sep 2020
Research article |  | 14 Sep 2020

Tracking geothermal anomalies along a crustal fault using (U − Th)∕He apatite thermochronology and rare-earth element (REE) analyses: the example of the Têt fault (Pyrenees, France)

Gaétan Milesi, Patrick Monié, Philippe Münch, Roger Soliva, Audrey Taillefer, Olivier Bruguier, Mathieu Bellanger, Michaël Bonno, and Céline Martin


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Short summary
This study proposes a new way to highlight hydrothermal fluid circulations and thermal anomalies in the Earth's crust with a combined evaluation of the age of granite and gneiss apatites (< 200 µm) as well as the behaviour of their chemical elements. As an exploration tool, this approach is very promising and complementary to other geothermal exploration techniques based on numerical modelling. Moreover, it is a cost-effective tool as it allows for constraining geothermal models.