Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
14 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 14 Oct 2020

Estimating ocean tide loading displacements with GPS and GLONASS

Bogdan Matviichuk, Matt King, and Christopher Watson

Data sets

Free ocean tide loading provider H.-G. Scherneck and M. S. Bos

CODE reprocessing product series Susnik et al.

CODE final product series for the IGS Dach et al.

GipsyX\_Wrapper v0.1.0 B. Matviichuk

Model code and software

GipsyX_Wrapper-0.1.0 B. Matviichuk

Short summary
The Earth deforms as the weight of ocean mass changes with the tides. GPS has been used to estimate displacements of the Earth at tidal periods and then used to understand the properties of the Earth or to test models of ocean tides. However, there are important inaccuracies in these GPS measurements at major tidal periods. We find that combining GPS and GLONASS gives more accurate results for constituents other than K2 and K1; for these, GLONASS or ambiguity resolved GPS are preferred.