Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
02 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 02 Mar 2021

Gravity modeling of the Alpine lithosphere affected by magmatism based on seismic tomography

Davide Tadiello and Carla Braitenberg

Data sets

Gravity modeling of the Alpine lithosphere affected by magmatism based on seismic tomography [Data set] Davide Tadiello and Carla Braitenberg

Short summary
We present an innovative approach to estimate a lithosphere density distribution model based on seismic tomography and gravity data. In the studied area, the model shows that magmatic events have increased density in the middle to lower crust, which explains the observed positive gravity anomaly. We interpret the densification through crustal intrusion and magmatic underplating. The proposed method has been tested in the Alps but can be applied to other geological contexts.