Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Research article
27 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 27 Jun 2023

Impact of permeability evolution in igneous sills on hydrothermal flow and hydrocarbon transport in volcanic sedimentary basins

Ole Rabbel, Jörg Hasenclever, Christophe Y. Galerne, Olivier Galland, Karen Mair, and Octavio Palma


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Short summary
This work investigates the interaction between magma in the subsurface and the rocks and fluids that surround it. The study investigates how fluids containing hydrocarbons like methane are moving in the rocks surrounding the magma. We show that the generation of fractures in the cooling magma has a significant impact on the flow paths of the fluid and that some of the hydrocabons may be converted to graphite and stored in the fractures within the intrusions.